Source : Malaysiakini
Article By : Abdullah Junid
When a version of current history is written, the name S Paranjothy may get a special mention. It is not just what the Gerakan politician said - an “in your face” display of brutal honesty and guts, qualities you don't expect from governing-party politicians - but what his action symbolised. Change is in the air. The shackles of fear are slowly but surely being thrown off. The genie does not appear to be heading back into the bottle any time soon.
The clear signs are recent rallies that attract tens of thousands and the sense that Umno is running out of heavy-handed cards to play. Somehow things aren't working the way they always have for the ruling party. People seem to be losing fear of police violence and the police are at a loss on how to respond. The pesky, nagging and persistent reaction against use of ISA indicates that detention without trial no longer shuts mouths.
The writing is on the wall. The ones who really need to read it for the sake of this country are the Umno leaders. They need to carry out an honest assessment of their party. It which will surely reveal an old, empty hulk rotten to the core and headed towards collapse. They must realise that their party needs an overhaul and to be brought into the 21st century. They must realise that they no longer truly represent Malay Malaysians. They represent an unrespected caricature which is out of touch with the 21st century Malays.
Their caricature was on display at the Umno general assembly, dressed garishly and spewing mindless bluster all over the place. The real Malays were seen a few days later dressed in yellow. They displayed excellent qualities of organisation, compassion, discipline and commitment. While the Bersih rally signalled a new spring of reformasi, the Hindraf rally may have a more profound influence on the coming year. Quite simply, the Indian Malaysian community announced itself as a serious player in this country's affairs.
Umno has been visibly staggered. This is not 1969. A party with unquestioned power can still do a lot of unmentionable things but the price to be paid in today's world would be stiff indeed. But the biggest change has been how Umno's sheepish friends of convenience - its coalition partners - have been emboldened by recent events. While there is hardly a flood of "Say please!" demands by MCA and MIC to Umno, new ground is definitely being broken by individual rebels.
The biggest blast so far has come from Paranjothy who laid it bare for Malaysians to confront the truth. It doesn't matter that the Gerakan bigwigs peed in their pants on hearing what Paranjothy had to say. His words will resonate loud for Malaysians and add to the coming storm for Umno.
Surely there has to be thinkers in Umno who can steer an intelligent path? Surely a party that has ruled this country for 50 years - and which, on balance, will be judged to have done more good than harm - has substantial leaders who can accept the new realities and reshape their party accordingly? Surely there must be people of conscience and courage in Umno who can demand that the party rejuvenate itself and get rid of the crooks and idiots who have turned it into a sinking laughing stock? Surely they can also wield the stick and demand similar house cleaning in other Barisan parties?
In Alor Star on Sunday, 50,000 people turned up to listen to Anwar Ibrahim. For an opposition figure in Malaysia, that number of attendees is unheard of. Here is a man who is widely, if discreetly, admired by ordinary Malaysians. He has charisma which is backed up by substance. Somehow he seems to most aptly typify the real Malaysian, and you get the sense that he is the man who can restore glory to Malaysia. He is also a genuine Malay hero, admired around the world for his good nature, intelligence and fortitude.
What is happening today is a direct result of his groundbreaking reformasi movement a decade ago that cracked open the door of complete oppression. Umno needs to start taking Anwar seriously and initiate a dialogue with him about this country's future. This may be the best thing the ruling party can do for itself and for the country or else they risk being swept into the dustbins of history with unfortunate consequences for all Malaysians.
1 comment:
Let there be no fear of fellow men but only God above
Let not man be punished for sharing known truth
Lest God shows his wrath with or without His glove
Lest man forgets that he is set free only by the truth
(C) Samuel Goh Kim Eng
Fri. 28th Dec. 2007.
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